
IRPA guidance on certification

Onlangs is er een nieuwe IRPA guidance gepubliceerd: IRPA Guidance on Certification of a Radiation Protection Expert.

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Stukken ALV van 11 november zijn beschikbaar

Op het ledengedeelte zijn de stukken te vinden van de ALV van 11 november 2016.

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Ricomet declaration

The Second International Conference on Risk Perception, Communication and Ethics of Exposures to Ionising Radiation (RICOMET 2016) was held from the 1st to 3rd of June 2016 in Hotel Caro, Bucharest, Romania. RICOMET 2016 is organised under the auspices of 4 Euratom Projects and intends to continue the dialogue started by RICOMET 2015 on social and ethical issues, as well as encourage stakeholder and public participation in nuclear science, technology and innovation.

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