Public stakeholder consultation on the Euratom Research and Training Programme

The European Commission has launched a public stakeholder consultation which will feed into the interim evaluation of the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2014-2018. This interim evaluation will help improve the functioning of the Euratom Programme, and will also be an important element in preparations of the extension of the Euratom Programme for 2019-2020.

This interim evaluation will help improve the functioning of the Euratom Programme, and will also be an important element in preparations of the extension of the Eurotom Programme for 2019-2020. The consultation gives the stakeholders and the wider public an opportunity to express their views and suggestions on all elemenst relevant for the interim evaluation and for the preparation of future proposals for Euratom research programmes. The results of the evaluation will show the progress made by research and training activities funded by the Euratom Programme.

All intersted stakeholders in fission, fusion and radiation protection research are invited to fill-in on-line questionnaire and to submit a position paper (Deadline for answers is on 15 January 2017).

Link to consultation.

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